We’re not talking about one or two cars that look bad but instead the entire range

November 11, 2023 at 16:50

 Which Brand Has The Ugliest Lineup Today?

Ugly cars are everywhere. In fact, it’s so easy and common for a car to end up being less than eye-pleasing that we praise the few designs that really stand out as beautiful. Is there one particular brand that has nothing but ugly offerings though? Which is the worst? That’s our QOTD.

I could be wrong but I get the feeling that a bunch of you are already down in the comments typing out the letters BMW. Hear me out though because that doesn’t seem to fully fit the bill. No doubt, there are a number of dramatically ugly BMW models right now. A few though like the 8-Series and the 5-Series aren’t too rough.

One obscure option is Fiat. Long gone now are the days of the Abarth version of the 500 and the 124. Today, only the Sport, the Pop, and the X are available and all three look like uninspired modern repeats of the original car with little else to attract buyers.

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Perhaps the right call here is Subaru. Let’s face it, there’s only one pretty car in the bunch and it’s half Toyota. The rest of the lineup appears to feature almost as much plastic body cladding as it does sheet metal. None of its designs are especially inspiring, aspirational, or attractive.

That same thing applies, in my opinion, to Mitsubishi. The Outlander is no doubt their flagship and it appears to be trying too hard. The rest of the lineup is just sad-looking. The Eclipse Cross is sacrilegious, the Mirage wants to be put out of its misery, and the G4 version isn’t any more attractive.

In a bit of polling around my friend group, there were votes for Tesla, Land Rover, and Toyota. Have we mentioned your choice for the ugliest current lineup here or is there another one worthy of consideration? Let us know in the comment section below and be sure to vote for your favorites. We might make a best-of list in the future.


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