With so many marketing channels available to your sponsor companies, you can no longer assume they will return year after year to exhibit at your event. Today, providing them with real value must be more than just offering premium booth space. To make sure you get their buy-in again next year, you need to make it easy for them to capitalize on the lead generation opportunities available to them onsite. By offering them a cost-effective lead capture app, you will help them make the most of the conversations they have with your attendees.
Typically, exhibitors trade details with attendees using business cards or paper contact forms at their booth. This makes it difficult for them to gather and score leads, follow up with them quickly post-event, and measure the value of exhibiting at your event. A lead capture app will allow them to do all of this in seconds.
In this blog post, you will learn how a lead capture app will help your exhibitors:
- Efficiently capture, score, and follow up with leads
- Streamline their workflows with more sustainable processes
- Justify the cost of exhibiting at your event next year
Plus, we’ll also share two bonus tips on other ways a lead capture app can help both planners and exhibitors.
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Efficiently capture, score, and follow up with leads
Manually entering attendee contact details into a spreadsheet from their badge or business card is a time-consuming process. This slows down post-event follow-up, and human error can compromise the integrity of the data.
Exhibitors need to quickly collect leads and qualify them. This allows their sales and marketing teams to easily prioritize who to reach out to. But what solutions are available to you when lead retrieval tools like CVENT lead capture are prohibitively expensive?
EventMobi’s Lead Capture app is a cost-effective option for event planners. It enables exhibitors to automatically capture attendee contact information by scanning a physical or digital QR code. This means the data will always be accurate and booth staff can avoid the awkwardness of lost business cards!
Exhibitors can add their own qualifying questions with personalized fields. This will help them qualify leads based on criteria such as job title, industry, and buying intent. Then, exhibitors and sponsors can focus on the leads that are most likely to convert into customers. They can also download all the contact information from the leads they’ve scanned directly into their CRM or marketing automation platform along with their notes.
In this video, Caitlan Davidson, the Director of Customer Support at EventMobi demonstrates how to use the EventMobi Lead Capture app.
Streamline workflows with sustainable processes
Over the last few years, there has been a growing trend toward making events more sustainable. Businesses are putting in place CSR goals to encourage planners and exhibitors to organize and participate in sustainable events.
Reducing the amount of paper waste generated by events started with planners opting to use mobile event apps instead of paper show guides. Now, event technology has matured to the point that just about every process can be managed digitally.
One small example of how processes are changing has to do with networking with business cards. Today, attendees and exhibitors are much less likely to give away or collect business cards during an event. Instead, connecting on social media platforms like Linkedin or scanning badges is the preferred way to make new connections.
A lead capture app eliminates the need for paper forms and business cards. Capturing contact information digitally is a quick, efficient, and more sustainable process for exhibitors. The EventMobi Lead Capture app works offline, so even if the internet goes down they can continue collecting leads. This is one of the many eco-friendly event strategies that can be used to help to combat the climate crisis.
Justify the cost of exhibiting at your event next year
Event organizers are increasingly under pressure to ensure sponsors get more value from exhibiting. Planners need to make it easy to quantify the value of attending the event relative to the costs of exhibiting. Data will help prove (or disprove!) this.
The first thing exhibitors want to know is how many leads they collected. Second, they want to identify how many of those leads are qualified. The number and quality of leads are crucial real-time success metrics. This data helps exhibitors decide which events deserve a slice of their budget.
EventMobi’s Lead Capture app makes it easy for exhibitors to see the number and quality of leads generated from an event. The star rating feature helps exhibitors score their lead data in seconds. Here’s how we recommend using it:
- One star means no sales follow-up is required, add them to the database.
- Three stars indicates the contact is a warm lead to be assigned to a Business Development Representative for additional qualification.
- Five stars can signal a hot lead for an Account Executive to follow up with immediately.
Planners can’t control how exhibiting companies engage with attendees onsite or post-event. But, a lead capture app will make it easy for them to manage leads and see the ROI from exhibiting. If they are able to generate more revenue from captured leads than it cost to exhibit, it will ensure their buy-in again next year.
Recommended Resource: 📺 Watch 8 short videos to learn how the EventMobi event platform can help you deliver in-person events that engage attendees and offer sponsors more value.
What else can you do with a lead capture app?
In this video, Thorben Grosser, VP of Product Marketing at EventMobi, shares two ways exhibitors can make the most of this tool.
First, is the use of speech-to-text. After scanning an attendee badge, sponsors can use speech-to-text to quickly and efficiently add notes on their conversation before going on to the next.
Second, a lead capture app can do double duty as an onsite survey tool. All you have to do is create a new company and add representatives to it, giving them access to lead scanning. This allows your event staff to gather information through personal chats with attendees, providing more valuable data for event evaluation.
A lead capture app will help event exhibitors efficiently capture, score, and follow up with leads. It empowers them to streamline their workflows with more sustainable processes, and easily see the ROI from exhibiting.
With EventMobi’s Lead Capture app, you can provide exhibitors and sponsors with the tool they need to achieve their event goals. Lead Capture gives exhibitors the ability to automatically capture valuable attendee information, qualify leads on the spot, and go paperless with streamlined processes.
Interested in learning more about EventMobi’s Lead Capture app? Book your personalized demo today!