Looking for a great way to use those delicious cherry tomatoes on your counter? This Cherry Tomato and Cucumber Salad is a great quick addition to any meal.

I used to be all alone in my household of four. In the early stages of this blog, I made this recipe, and no one ate it with me 🙁

Now, I have a household of 6, and everyone ate it and loved it lol. It’s funny how time can change things. I will never get over all the growing up everyone has done, whether it’s the family liking tomato basil bruschetta or a pesto goat cheese pizza, but I’m all for it.

Ok, so this recipe is pretty basic, but it packs a bunch of flavor and awesomeness. As with most salads, a key part of it tasting good is fresh ingredients.

So this dish is usually made pretty quickly after we get groceries or pick tomatoes from the garden.