Spice things up with this Black Bean Hummus recipe made with jalapeños and cilantro. This healthy hummus dip is bursting with flavor with just the right amount of heat.

Don’t get me wrong, the classic hummus recipe is perfect as it is, but I was curious when making all these different types of hummus if I could make one that I can love as much as the traditional one.

It turns out I can. Hooray! Let me tell you how I did it.

Hummus – the go-to dip of those with healthy lifestyles.

This healthy dip might look kinda boring at first, but, once you taste it, you fall in love with its creamy texture and amazing flavors.

As you probably already know, typically, hummus is made with chickpeas, tahini, olive oil, garlic, and lemon juice. Blended into a smooth puree, these fresh and clean ingredients create an irresistible hummus.

Once you discover hummus, it’s hard to go back to those unhealthy dips you thought you loved. But, trust me, you’ll want to get to know hummus better. And to give it different flavors.

Maybe to spice it up a bit.


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